Savor Health

“You have cancer.” These three words will forever resonate in my memory. I had been diagnosed with Stage IV advanced, incurable stomach cancer. It was April 2008, I was forty years old, the mother of three young children, married to a physician, and a practicing attorney with my own firm. Instead of having decades ahead of me, I only had weeks. I feared the worst – my three year old daughter would not remember me and my twins would be teenagers without a mother. Instead of giving in, I began the fight of my life. I immediately underwent very harsh chemotherapy treatments and spent years in bed, doctors’ office, and hospitals.

Soon after I started my chemo treatments, I began speaking with other stomach cancer patients. I refused to be a statistic and work needed to be done to raise awareness, fund research, and support patients, families and caregivers. I started activities to raise funds for stomach cancer research. It also became apparent that there was a great need for resources for stomach cancer patients, families, and caregivers all over the world. This was the beginning of Debbie’s Dream Foundation, the first organization dedicated to helping stomach cancer patients, raising money for research, and educating the public about stomach cancer.

Stomach cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men and fourth among women worldwide. Each year nearly 930,000 people worldwide are diagnosed with stomach cancer, and approximately 700,000 die of the disease. Approximately 22,000 Americans will be diagnosed with stomach cancer each year, and over 10,000 will die within a year. According to the American Cancer Society, the overall 5-year survival rate for people with stomach cancer in the United States is about 28%, and the 5-year survival rate for stage IV stomach cancer is 4%. Per cancer death, stomach cancer receives the least amount of federal funding of any cancer.

In parts of Asia where stomach cancer is highly prevalent, aggressive screening programs have had some success in detecting early cancers and improving the outcomes but in the United States there are no effective screening methods and no established programs for prevention or early detection. In addition, the symptoms of stomach cancer are not specific and are common to many gastric problems such as ulcers and gastritis. They include abdominal discomfort, indigestion, loss of appetite, occasional vomiting, and a feeling of fullness after eating small amounts of food. Up to 25% of patients will have a history of gastric ulcers.

Awareness of stomach cancer, its symptoms, and risk factors remains low despite the fact that it is one of the deadliest cancers and the number two cancer killer in the world. Physician and public awareness are critical for early diagnosis. If people are aware of the risk factors and symptoms, they can be diagnosed at an early stage, which dramatically increases the chance for a cure. Two of the most prevalent precursors to stomach and esophageal cancers are H. pylori and acid reflux. Bottom line – if you are having any type of gastrointestinal symptoms you must report them to your physician for evaluation.

How am I doing today? Most days are great except, to keep my cancer at bay, I still have Herceptin infusions every three weeks, every night I take the oral chemotherapy Tykerb, have regular doctor visits, and lots of scans and tests. I have a steadfast healthcare team and unwavering support from friends and family. They are with me in my journey to make a difference.

I am beating the odds. My pursuit is to make the cure for stomach cancer a reality – it’s my dream; my personal mission; my legacy. All people should have the right to early detection, intervention, and reliable treatment. Our health routine should include endoscopy exams and other screening techniques, increased resources, and proven treatments. No one should have to fight this disease alone or without appropriate options – we at Debbie’s Dream Foundation are making sure of it!

Debbie Zelman is a Stage IV stomach cancer survivor and founder of Debbie’s Dream Foundation which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about stomach cancer, advancing funding for research, and providing education and support internationally to patients, families, and caregivers. Debbie’s Dream Foundation seeks as its ultimate goal to make the cure for stomach cancer a reality. If you or someone you know is battling stomach cancer, you can find more information at or by calling their toll-free hotline at 855-475-1200.


593 Responses

  1. Dear Debbie,
    I love your spirit and Im sure you will get totally cured one day , My brother just discovered he has a gastric cancer stage 2 after going thru an operation to remove the tumor, He’s 36 years old , and a father for a 7 months baby girl.
    We are from Egypt, intending to do his diagnosis in the united states either at Memorial sloan kattering New york or Md Anderson texas..I would like to let me know how can we deal with the case and the doctors ..please advise ..sent you my email .Would like to hear from you soon..

  2. Hi Debbie, love hearing your positive story, I was diagnosed with stage four stomach cancer in Feb 2007 …..I’m still here, I’m now 38 yo with two children, I too have gone down the chemo and surgery road and although it is tough at times it is so worth it getting precious time with my family…..well done to you for sharing your story and raising awareness xxx

  3. Are you the founder or co founder of Meals to Heal? Are you using this service? Why are you linked to this web page? Do you recommend this service? My mom has stomach cancer stage 4 and I would LOVE more advice on nutrition, supplements, relaxation techniques, etc…….

    Beverly Burt

  4. Hi Amber,

    Thank you for your comment. Congratulations on your success with this disease! I would really like to connect with you. Please email me so we can connect and set up a time to speak.

    All the best!
    Debbie Zelman

  5. Hi Nora,

    Thank you for your comment! I believe that we received your Resource Inquiry Form through our website and that you have been assigned a PREP Mentor. Please let our Patient Resource Coordinator Gina Couey know if there is anything you need. She can be reached at

    Also, we are developing Chapters all over the world so if you would like to get involved, let Gina know. We have 12 Chapters in the US with more in development, a Chapter in Canada, and are developing chapters in Germany, the UK, and other countries. We could certainly use a Chapter in Egypt!

    All the best to you and your brother!

  6. Do you reply to your emails? I did not get a reply to an earlier email……………….
    Please tell me about the meals for stomach cancer patients and also how to get involved in your cmapaign: Can’t Stomach this Cancer!

  7. hii,
    my father 62, has been recently diagnosed with stage 4 stomach didnt suggested any chemotherapy and discharged him from hospital and said he has max 1 yr.could yo please suggest somthing to increase hi lifespan.

  8. Hi Debbie, thanks for being a strong lady. I have a tree year old nephew who has been diagonised with cancer, i need your advice on the disease

  9. Pinkyy- get a second opinion. my grandmother, 71 was just diagnosed stage 4 and is a breast cancer survivor. they are recommending chemo but can’t do it until she is stable which unfortunately now she is not 🙁 get a second opinion. the chemo may not cure stage 4 but it will prolong your father’s life a little.

  10. Hi debbie, keep on fighting you are an inpiration to all. My husband has been diagnosed with stage IV stomach cancer and is very stubborn about the importance of a healthy diet. Please give me some advise I try to be under standing but, I’m at the end of my rope every one is trying to help but he feels what he is doing is ok and his diet is not that important.

  11. My husband of 19years, we have 4 children, recently diagnose with stomach cancer St 4, doctors gave him 1yr to live. He’s going thru chemo every other week and doing his best in every way. He is a figher, can you give me any suggestions on meals, juicing of any kind to keep him going. I would gladly appreciate it.

  12. Hi Deb.
    I was recently diagnosed with stomach cancer stage 4. I am starting chemotherapy in 6 days time. Any information about how I can fight this. Any special food. I am already taking Ginseng and Ganoderma supplements from Greenworld .

  13. Hi,
    I am from India, My father is 57 years and has been diagnosed with stage 3 stomach cancer a week back. The major limitation for the treatment of my father is his health. He is extremely weak and has lost 30 pounds over the last 2 months. He is not able to eat because whatever he eats he vomits immediately. The tumor is blocking the GE junction. Please advise the best treatment for him and also his prognosis.

    Biopsy Finding: Poorly Differentiated Carcinoma.

  14. Hi Debbie, I just came across this page and was so excited reading your story and the fact that stage four stomach cancer patients can actually live years. I have been diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer that has spread all over, having been researching online I am getting confused as to how long can one live with this cancer, it’s been 3 months since I was diagnosed and currently going through chemo( third cycle), I am not sure what the future hold but I have been doing everything to try and improve life and push the diseas , I am doing really well, I eat so well and try to stay positive, I have a great family who support me with every little step of the way, but sometimes reality hits and I start thinking, can I really beat it??? The statistics are not encouraging at all as you know. What is exactly one should do or is there a programm I can follow, are there people who actually beat state 4 and spear stomach cancer, where can I get I touch with people who have at least beat the odds and lived longer than expected. I have just turned 40 yrs old and had so much to look forward to but now everything is sort of on hold until I guess find a way forward and know what to expect and what root to take. Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Many many thanks. Abbas

  15. Hi Debbie,

    I have just read the above article and well done you for you making stomach cancer more aware. I was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer in April and have just under gone 8 rounds of chemotherapy which I have just finished.
    Would love to talk to you and talk diet etc – i am already on a special diet and also I have a 5 year old and 3 year old so wanting to be around for as long as possible – I am very positive and have every fight in me possible.
    Many thanks


  16. I see people posting questions here, but is anyone getting any answers ?

    This post don’t give any details other than some cancer stats, what actually you did to make it this far ??

  17. Dear Debbie,
    Hi, my name’s Brittany. I’m a recently turned twenty two year old graduate from Johnson & Whales University. And today my mother was diagnosed with stage 3 gastric cancer. Like any completely irrational person I browsed the web late at night reading scientific explanations and horrifying statistics. I closed my lap top in horror and cried for my mother and myself.
    As far as my family it’s just my mother my 15 year old sister and I. I read through your story and as a parent you worry you’ll never get to see you’re children grow up. But as a child you worry; will I ever see my mother grow old, will she ever see me succeed in my career, get married, or have children? In my case will I be able to raise my teenage sister if I have too? Will I be able to support her financially and emotionally? Am I strong enough for this??
    I was at my wits end, emotionally drained, regretting I even opened my laptop. I decided if I could find one positive story, just one story of someone surviving then I could find hope. So I opened my laptop back up and what do you know within my first search I found your page. And my lost hope. Thank you for surviving, for living, and making your story known so people like me can find hope within it. Thank you for giving, for caring, and for trying your hardest to make a difference in the world.. because you do! Much luck and love to you and your family.
    -Brit xo

  18. I am from India ma mother had diagonised stomCh cancer at the age of 49 after I heard this m senseless n later on I decide I have to be strong n support ma family I just want to know what type of food I should give ma mom please help me

  19. I have Stage 4 gastric cancer. Did you get any answer regarding diet and supplements that might be helpful?

    Hope you are doing better.



  20. Hi everyone-

    My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 gastric cancer. Like everyone else, we feel hopeless and scared. My dad raised us 4 (myself and 3 brothers) as my mom passed away 10 years ago. He is all that we have. He is so strong. he manages to keep a smile on his face and is worried about us. We are worried about him. Waching someone you love go through this heart wrenching disease is crippling to the soul. He has lost 60 lbs since his diagnosis. He is not stable enough to have chemo right now as he is very thin. Does anyone have any advice on juicing or any liquid diet that can help? I pray for you all as I know that this is a dark time that is not easy for anyone. With God or spiritual guidance, anything is possible. Please keep positive.

  21. Hi everyone I try and read everybody’s comments it hurts me to see how many people go thru this, stomach cancer stage4 is not easy to see ,my sister is struggling, and all a can say to everyone is to keep your faith in God for some reason this disease is in our families, I believe it somehow unites us more and gives us stronger faith in god. I’ve notice everybody that goes thru cancer somehow have a heartwarming feeling about life, I believe in heaven and I think cancer pts have heaven in them, let’s not be scared let’s fight that is what god wants but let god lead the way, LOVE U All cancer pts are like angels on earth

  22. Reading about you and others with stomach cancer has given me hope. I was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer this past January and I’ve been going through chemo treatments every two weeks. So far I’m doing better than my first three weeks. I lost about 40 lbs but I’ve stabilized around 175. My taste buds seemed to have left me; but I eat what I can and drink my Boost 3 times a day. Anyway, reading all the posts and comments has given me hope…thank you all!

  23. My mother is diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer, she refuse to do chemo or any sort o medical treatment, I really hope to hear from you, what more i can do for her.

  24. Does anyone have any advice for this cancer?
    I see many have posted any seen no answers. 🙁

  25. Hello Debbie!
    I salute your spirit the way you came out of it… And happy that you are sharing your story.
    Actually Deb My Girlfriend of age 22 has recently diagnosed with stage 2 of Stomach Cancer and she is suffering from unbearable pain because of Peptic ulcers. She is quite healthy but internally she is getting weaker with chemotherapy. I am so much worried about her health because she is loosing all hopes of survival. Kindly help me please. so that I could do something for her. Please I don’t want to lose her.
    Gurmeet Bawa

  26. This diagnosis is stressful, and this is difficult to discuss for many people. However, it is important to have open and honest conversations with your doctor and health care team to express your feelings, preferences, and concerns.

  27. Hi Debbie. I hope you and all other patients are doing well. Thank you for the work you’re doing for stomach cancer patients. My 68 yrs mother was diagnosed a month ago with a stage IV, after a whole month in the hospital undergoing all types of exams and procedures. Finally in an exploratory surgery the Dr. found the lesions and it had already spread to other organs. She begins chemotherapy on monday and although she is feeling like crap her attitude is incredible. She is very positive and full of faith. In terms of her nutrition, she is really eating what she desires including not very healthy food. What recommendations do you have?? I hope the best for all of you!!

  28. Hi,
    Debbie. ..

    My bro underwent an stomach surgery last week 13 October 2014. He has been detected with gastric cancer. Now Drs. Have advised to go ahead with chemotherapy. He is in stage 3 c. Very much relaxed reading your story. Will hope for the best. Request your comment.

    I am from India (Mumbai)

  29. I was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer in April 2014. I was browsing the web for more information and found this site. Thank you for bringing attention to a cancer that has gotten very little. Maybe, a cure will be available in the near future.

  30. You’re so awesome! I don’t believe I have read a single thing like that before. So great to find someone with some original thoughts on this topic. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This website is something that is needed on the internet, someone with a little originality!

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Susan started Savor Health after losing a close friend to a brain tumor and, through that experience, becoming aware of the significant unmet nutritional needs of people with cancer.  Struck by the fact that her friend was told “nutrition doesn’t matter” and “eat whatever you want,” Susan read the evidence-based literature on the subject, interviewed oncologists, oncology nurses and oncology dietitians, as well as patients and caregivers, and found that, in fact, nutrition does matter in oncology. Armed with solid scientific evidence supporting the clinical and quality of life benefits of proper nutrition, Susan left Wall Street and created Savor Health, an AI-based provider of personalized and clinically appropriate nutrition solutions for cancer patients, their caregivers and health enterprises. Susan brings to Savor Health over 25 years of industry experience in healthcare and business as well as expertise in strategy, finance and management.

Susan is an outspoken and tireless advocate for cancer patients receiving proper nutrition and nutrition support before, during and after treatment. She strongly believes that the U. S. healthcare system requires new innovation to transform it into a more holistic and integrated system of care whereby multiple disciplines coordinate care together for the benefit of the whole patient. As part of this, her goal is for nutrition to be an integral component of such an integrated cancer care delivery system.  Susan’s commitment to the field of oncology extends beyond Savor Health to volunteer work at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in pediatrics and as a runner for Fred’s Team to raise money for research at Memorial Sloan Kettering. Susan participated in the Cancer Moonshot in June of 2016 where she was a breakout session group “igniter” tasked with starting and leading discussion. Susan’s first book, the Meals to Heal Cancer Cookbook, was published in March 2016.

In addition to her role as CEO of Savor Health, Susan speaks nationally about the importance of ensuring proper nutrition in the cancer patient and on topics including leadership and startups. She has been a speaker at the Harvard Medical School’s Career Advancement and Leadership Skills for Women in Healthcare, ESMO World Congress on GI Cancer, BioPharm America, AARP Live @50+, Lake Nona Impact Forum, and IIR ePharma Summit.

Prior to starting Savor Health, Susan had a successful career on Wall Street as a healthcare services investment banker working at prestigious firms including Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Wasserstein Perella and Robertson Stephens. Susan earned a B.A. from Duke University and M.B.A. from the University of Virginia’s Darden Graduate School of Business.

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Marissa Buchan is a registered dietitian, with advanced practice certifications in Oncology Nutrition (CSO) and Clinical Research (CCRP). She received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Duke University, and Master’s of Science degree in Clinical Nutrition from New York University. Marissa worked for 10 years at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in both the clinical research and nutrition departments.  In addition to counseling patients before, during, and after cancer therapy, she spearheaded nutrition-research efforts for the bone marrow transplant service. She has co-authored over 20 articles and has a particular interest in the role of nutrition on the intestinal microbiota and its impact on patient outcomes. When Marissa’s not wearing her lab coat, she’s in her apron whipping up healthy and delicious recipes that you can find on her blog, Get Off Your Tush and Cook.

Marissa is Chief Operating Officer of Savor Health where she leads operations working with the technology, clinical, and business development teams and management. Prior to assuming the role of COO in March 2020, Marissa was Vice President, Clinical Research and Operations at Savor Health where she worked closely with Savor Health’s Chief Medical Advisor, Scientific Advisory Board, and Clinical Operations Team to evaluate, design and conduct clinical research.  She also counsels patients on oncology nutrition issues and contributes to the Company website’s clinical content.

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Dr. DeFrance has a unique background including clinical interventional cardiologist, chief medical officer, educator, outcomes researcher and entrepreneur. He has expertise in Lifestyle medicine in which he was board certified in 2020 and is highly interested in the prevention and reversal of chronic disease. Dr. DeFrance also has expertise in appropriate utilization of technology in medicine, healthcare economics, value-based metrics, and educational design and delivery. He worked as Chief Medical Officer for HealthHelp, one of the largest specialty benefit managers in the US, and led large teams of healthcare professionals in writing evidence based appropriate care guidelines and rule sets which improve the quality and safety of medicine for over 20 million people in the US while also creating sustained savings in healthcare. He has also designed clinical decision support systems that are currently in use helping to improve patient care.

In 2018 Dr. DeFrance founded MedMentor Education, a company that provides state of the art CME content using the latest in eLearning science and online delivery platforms. Dr. DeFrance is also the founder and President of Digimedica, a consulting and educational design and delivery company for healthcare professionals, hospitals, and universities. He is passionate about creating systems to optimize knowledge transfer and has won numerous awards for teaching excellence during his career. He is an expert in cardiovascular CT imaging and has taught more than 3,000 physicians how to perform and interpret cardiac CT nationally and internationally and has lectured extensively on this subject.

Dr. DeFrance has a stellar reputation in the medical field and continues work to improve the quality and safety of patient care in the US.

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Alyson is a registered nurse and is certified in oncology nursing (OCN) through the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS). She also has her certification as an ONS Biotherapy and Chemotherapy Provider. Alyson studied nursing at Thomas Jefferson University where she obtained her Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing (BSN). Since starting her nursing career in 2004, Alyson has had a strong dedication and commitment to oncology patients. She has worked inpatient specializing in Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation. Alyson currently works in outpatient oncology at the North Shore-LIJ Monter Cancer Center. Alyson is part of the clinical team at Savor Health where she counsels patients on oncology and oncology nutrition issues and contributes to website and other Savor Health content.

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Chelsey is a Registered Dietitian and Board Certified Specialist in Oncology nutrition (CSO). She completed her Dietetic Internship at Northwell Health, received her BS in Dietetics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and her MS in Nutrition at Stony Brook University’s School of Medicine. Chelsey works as an outpatient dietitian at Mount Sinai covering all of the downtown cancer services at Mount Sinai Beth Israel and Philips Ambulatory Care Center. Chelsey works with patients and families before, during and after treatment to optimize their nutrition through dietary counseling and support. Chelsey has experience counseling clients with a variety of diagnoses including breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, head & neck cancer, and more. Chelsey also enjoys sharing nutrition knowledge with her peers by running a monthly Employee Wellness program that showcases healthy topics, recipes and food demos.

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Michelle is a Registered Dietitian specializing in oncology. She works as a clinical dietitian at an ambulatory cancer center in New York City and is a consultant for Savor Health. She is passionate about educating oncology patients on the importance of nutrition during their fight against cancer and helping them to optimize their nutrition through all phases of treatment. Michelle received her Bachelor of Science degree in dietetics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and her Master of Science degree in Clinical Nutrition from New York University.

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Denise Sievering is a Registered Dietitian who is board certified in Oncology Nutrition as well as Nutrition Support. A fluent Spanish speaker, Denise joined the Savor Health team to support Spanish speaking cancer patients and to continue to expand the Platform’s nutritional strategies and recommendations in Spanish. Denise holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Rutgers University, and completed her internship at New York Presbyterian Hospital (NYP). Denise started her career as a registered dietitian at NYP-Columbia University Medical Center, primarily covering inpatient Oncology units. Denise also holds a Master of Arts degree in Mental Health Counseling from New York University, and incorporates her advanced training in motivational interviewing and empathic listening in her patient encounters, particularly those whose lives have been forever changed by a cancer diagnosis. A New Jersey native, Denise now resides in sunny San Diego, CA where she works as a part-time outpatient Oncology dietitian at Scripps Health-MD Anderson Cancer Center, and also works as an inpatient dietitian at Kaiser Permanente. In her spare time, Denise can be found at a mom-and-pop taco shop, one of the many local craft breweries, and exploring her new city of San Diego with her husband and her rescue pup, Ripley.

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Karen is a Registered Dietitian, Board Certified Specialist in Oncology Nutrition and registered in New York as a Certified Dietitian Nutritionist. Fluent in Spanish, Karen joined the Savor Health team to support Spanish speaking cancer patients and to continue to expand the Platform’s nutritional strategies and recommendations in Spanish. Karen received her Bachelor of Science degree from Ithaca College and her Master of Science degree from Hunter College. She works as an outpatient oncology dietitian in New York. Karen often works with local community centers to host nutrition programs for cancer survivors and their families, leading classes on how to live healthier lifestyles throughout their continuum of care. The American Institute of Cancer Research selected to showcase one of her many programs at their conference in 2019. Karen has written for and lent commentary to various publications and truly enjoys teaching people how to eat better. She loves to cook and strongly feels that healthy food doesn’t have to taste bad.

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Allie is a Registered Dietitian and a Certified Specialist in Oncology (CSO). She joins Savor in 2023, bringing years of experience from the John Theurer Cancer Center in New Jersey, where she worked with patients with a variety of cancers. Her goal is to help people feel their best, both mentally and physically, when physical health challenges arise. She believes in the power of nutrition ever since the impact it made on her athletic career as a volleyball player during college. Allie graduated with her Bachelor of Science degree from University of Maryland-Baltimore County and has her Master’s degree in Human Nutrition from the University of Wisconsin Stout. She enjoys travelling, enjoying different cuisines, cooking, and hiking and other outdoor activities with her family and dog.

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Julia Penberg is a seasoned healthcare professional with more than 30 years of experience focusing on maximizing operational excellence, leading clinical program development and building strong cross-functional teams. Her previous roles include overseeing the performance of clinical managers and nurse practitioners across multiple markets within United Healthcare-Optum’s Medicare Advantage and dual-eligible special needs populations, payer outreach and program development at Mayo Clinic, ground level specialty hospital development and direct patient care as a family and dermatology nurse practitioner. Julia volunteered as an operating room nurse and nurse practitioner on several mission trips to Romania and was a support group leader for the Kansas City chapter of the International Myeloma Foundation. Her motivation throughout her career has been with wellness promotion, disease risk modification and ensuring the best patient experience across the health continuum. Ms. Penberg received an MBA from the University of Dallas; a MS in Nursing from the University of Kansas and a BS in Nursing from the University of Texas-Austin. She is board certified as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

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Alicia is a Registered Dietitian and Board-Certified Specialist in Oncology. She works as a clinical dietitian at an ambulatory cancer center in New York City and is a consultant for Savor Health. She received her BA in English from The George Washington University and MS in Nutrition from Brooklyn College. Alicia provides individualized nutrition counseling for patients during their medical, radiation and/or surgical cancer treatment and knows that it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach.

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Allie Werner is a Registered Dietitian at Fresenius Kidney Care where she provides medical nutrition therapy diet counseling to patients on Dialysis. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in nutrition from Indiana University and completed her Master’s Degree and dietetic internship at Loyola University Chicago. In her free time she enjoys spending time with friends and family, checking out the amazing food scene in downtown Chicago, and exercising on her Peloton bike.

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Immersed in the tech world for a decade, I've coded, led teams, and honed my skills in architecture and design. As a tech enthusiast, I've seamlessly woven through full-stack projects, fusing my love for code with the art of leadership.

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Mohit is a full-stack developer with expertise in Python and JavaScript, known for his efficient coding and ability to deliver scalable software solutions. His technical contributions are highlighted on GitHub and Stack Overflow, demonstrating his commitment to the tech community and problem-solving skills. With a solid educational foundation and a diverse project portfolio, Mohit excels at navigating complex challenges and is well-equipped to contribute to dynamic software projects.

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Rayna McCann is a Registered Dietitian and Board Certified Specialist in Oncology Nutrition. She is a Registered Yoga Teacher and yoga4cancer certified. She received her BS in Nutrition at Penn State University and her MS from Stony Brook University. For work, Rayna wears many hats in the world of nutrition and worked for years in clinical settings focusing on oncology nutrition. She is also an Adjunct Professor and passionate about inspiring the future of dietitians. Throughout her career, she has received awards recognizing her dedication to patient safety and her contributions to improving malnutrition awareness. In 2022, Rayna was proud to accept the ‘Dietitian of the Year’ award through the Long Island Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Rayna has co-authored abstracts for poster presentations within the American Institute for Cancer Research conference, as well as, the Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Nutrition Conference Expo and subsequent publication. She has enjoyed authoring articles, including an article for The Cure magazine regarding Multiple Myeloma and nutrition. When Rayna is not participating in nutrition related activities, she is dedicated to dog rescue.

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Former Senior Vice-President, head of Strategies and Performance at Nestlé global HQ, Valerio is a leading innovation enabler who offers his expertise to a broad spectrum of start-ups, agencies and consulting companies as they expand their businesses and offerings.

Valerio has an exhaustive understanding of disruptive technologies, digital environments, and their commercial applications. A respected driver of innovation, he has a track record of engaging with academia, accelerators, VCs and start-ups, as well as with major strategic partnerships and alliances, to accelerate growth. His vast network, his drive to maximise corporate efficiency, his passion for innovation and for nurturing cross-functional corporate culture have allowed Valerio to deliver a number of business-relevant and innovative concepts, whilst leading change management.

Valerio’s international business expertise extends across Europe, Asia, Africa, US and Latin America.

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Vera has dedicated her professional life to creating innovative digital solutions at the intersection of science and technology. Her most recent engagement was with Nestlé Research, where Vera established the Digital Nutrition & Health group and led the development of Digital Food Safety department.

Vera has a PhD in chemistry and a Master’s degree in Information Technology, with a career spanning decades between academic research and technology development in diverse industries, such as pharma, telecom, packaging and food. Vera’s expertise is in using scientific insights to transform data into valuable digital assets and novel software solutions.

She’s also an expert in team dynamics and an early adopter of Agile methodologies. In every position she’s held, she has worked toward building independent, reliable, efficient, and fun teams. For Vera, the recipe for world-changing innovation is in exciting science, high-quality data, inspiring technology, and amazing people.

Vera loves cooking, as well as broadening her horizons through books, travel, and conversations.

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Dr. Becker has served in many roles throughout her career as a Transplant Surgeon. She is currently Vice President and Chief Medical Officer at LifeGift, an organ transplant procurement organization. Dr. Becker is a Past President of the Organ Procurement and Transplant Network/United Network for Organ Sharing (“OPTN/UNOS”) Board of Directors and served during tumultuous times. While serving as OPTN President, lung allocation and liver allocations were both amended to decrease geographic disparities. She has most recently served on the UNOS corporate affairs committee as an advisor. Dr. Becker is a former committee member for the National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine. She is currently serving on the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) steering committee as the Co-Chair of a workgroup assessing patient factors contributing to kidney graft loss.

Dr. Becker previously served as an elected member of the American Society of Transplantation (“AST”) Board of Directors, co-chairing its winter symposium, chairing its education committee and additionally serving on the minority affairs committee. She has served on the American Society of Transplant Surgeons (“ASTS”) scientific studies committee and on the AST/ASTS American Transplant Congress program planning committee. She also has served on the Board of Directors of the National Kidney Registry. Dr. Becker earned her medical degree at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore and completed her surgery training at Vanderbilt University. She finished her multiorgan transplant fellowship at the University of Wisconsin as is proud of training many of the current Surgical Directors of Transplant Programs around the country. She is currently a retired Professor of Surgery from the University of Chicago. Dr. Becker is the proud mom of 2 college sophomores. In addition to her newly found love for running, she enjoys cheering on her favorite soccer teams, reading and taking care of her many pets.

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Jon Bond is one of the advertising and marketing industry’s most recognized thought leaders and entrepreneurs. He has developed several significant companies and marketing concepts over his 30-year career. Jon was Co-Founder and CEO of Kirshenbaum Bond and Partners (KBP). KBP was the first to develop the modern multi-disciplinary, integrated agency. He was CEO of Big Fuel (now part of Publicis) and co-founded and sold one of the first online media agencies (iballs) to Microsoft. Currently, Jon is founder and Chief Tomorroist at TOMORRO. Established in 2012, TOMORRO is a value accelerator using marketing, innovation, and strategic business development to help visionary companies achieve their ambitions.

Jon is co-founder of Evolve, the only non-partisan gun safety and responsibility group. He is a board member of Gods Love We Deliver and a former board member of the American Association of Advertising Agencies and the Ad Council. Jon co-authored “Under the Radar,” a book about talking to today’s cynical consumer. He has also written for Mediapost and the Huffington Post and is a keynote speaker represented by The Guild Group. Jon has appeared in Morgan Spurlock’s documentary The Greatest Movie Ever Sold, CNN, 20/20, CNBC, Barbara Walters, Deborah Norville, and Piers Morgan. In 2010, Jon was voted number 4 in Adweek’s “Executive of the Decade” poll.

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Eliza is passionate about helping people live healthier and more fulfilling lives. She has held leadership, advisory and consulting roles at numerous health-focused companies, including RunKeeper, MyFitnessPal/Under Armour, Foodsmart (formerly Zipongo), January AI (precision health), Allara Health (women’s health) and Everyday Health (and their acquisition of weight-loss app, Lose It!). Eliza is a business operator with a track record of building and inspiring high-performing teams to deliver outstanding results and scale effectively. She has a foundation in finance and consulting and 10+ years of operational leadership at Bay Area startups, including two successful exists (MyFitnessPal, Ooyala). Eliza completed her MBA at Harvard Business School and graduated magna cum laude from Middlebury College with a double major in Art History & Economics. She is a Boston native living in New York with her husband and three children.

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Ethan Basch is an oncologist and cancer researcher at the University of North Carolina, where he is Chief of Oncology and Physician-in-Chief of the Cancer Hospital. Dr. Basch has conducted research on patient-centered cancer care models for the past two decades, developing connected health technologies and care delivery strategies to improve quality of care and the patient experience. His research group established that care teams miss more than half of patients’ symptoms during cancer care, and demonstrated that electronic tools not only can close that gap, but can improve cancer outcomes including quality of life, hospitalizations, and overall survival. He has published over 300 scientific papers on these topics, including in JAMA, New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, Journal of Clinical Oncology, JAMA Oncology, Cancer, etc. He has served on the Board of Scientific Advisors of the National Cancer Institute, the Board of Directors of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the Board of the International Society of Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL), and as an editor for JAMA. He received his MD at Harvard Medical School, residency training at Massachusetts General Hospital, and oncology training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, where he was on faculty until moving to North Carolina in 2012. The mission of his work is to improve the experiences and quality of life of people with cancer.

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David Raben, M.D. is currently V.P. and Chief Medical Officer, Bicara Therapeutics. Dr. Raben is also on faculty at the University of Colorado where he is a board-certified Professor of Radiation Oncology and has recently been named a U.S. News Top Doctor. He received a B.A. in Psychology from Duke University in 1985 and completed his M.D. at Wake Forest University/Bowman Grey School of Medicine in 1990. After graduation, he completed residency in Radiation Oncology at the Johns Hopkins Hospital from 1991-1994, serving as a chief resident in 1994. Dr. Raben has developed nationally recognized clinical expertise over the past 20 years in the management of head and neck cancer (HNC), lung cancer and prostate/bladder cancers. Clinically, Dr. Raben has a strong interest in nutritional precision for patients, with an interest in reducing processed foods and sugars in patients with locally advanced cancers, especially ones with high cell turnover. An anti-inflammatory strategy with a Mediterranean dietary approach coupled with reductions in high carbohydrate loading may reduce or slow cancer progression and improve a patient’s intrinsic microbiome to enhance immune response to various therapies including immune enabling drugs like checkpoint inhibitors that have shown dramatic success recently in advanced cancers. From a research perspective, his focus has been on laboratory discoveries and innovative clinical trials in areas such as high risk, heavy smoker HNC patients and has explored approaches that inhibit cancer DNA repair or growth factor signaling. Dr. Raben recently completed the first Phase I clinical trial in the US with and oral DNA repair inhibitor (PARP inhibitor) and radiation for heavy smokers when combined with intensity modulated radiation (IMRT). His efforts currently center around evaluation of TGFb inhibition in HNSCC as well as the use of radiation to stimulate activity of immune enabling drugs. Nationally, Dr. Raben serves on the NRG Oncology head and neck steering committee as well as co-chairing the Developmental Therapeutics Co-Chair at the NRG. He actively serves as an ASCO Ambassador for Multidisciplinary Cancer Management Courses (MCMC) to help educate underserved areas around the world in cancer care. Finally, he serves an ad hoc reviewer for high impact journals such as Journal of Clinical Oncology, Annals of Oncology, JAMA Oncology, Oral Oncology, Head and Neck, Int. Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, Clinical Cancer Research and Cancer Research. He has authored over 140 publications.

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Jason Montrie is an award-winning healthcare technology executive and entrepreneur with over two decades of experience in building, growing, and scaling leading healthcare businesses. With a career that includes working at large health insurance companies like Humana, being Co-founder and CEO of the fastest growing heath insurance company in Illinois, and most recently serving as President of the premier healthcare data analytics platform and supplemental benefits company in the Medicare Advantage sector in Pareto Intelligence and Convey Health Solutions, Jason brings un unmatched set of experience and perspective to Savor which will help drive its growth.

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Jonathan M. Kurie, M.D. Professor, Department of Thoracic/Head and Neck Medical Oncology, MD Anderson.

Dr. Kurie received a BA in Chemistry from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC and an M.D., Medicine from East Carolina University, Greenville, NC. He was a Medical Oncology Fellow at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York from 1988 to 1993, a Biotechnology Fellow, Laboratory of Genetics, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. He did his Internship and Residency at the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA. Dr. Kurie has authored numerous publications.

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Stephanie is a Registered Dietitian and Board Certified Specialist in Oncology Nutrition (CSO). She completed her dietetic internship at NewYork-Presbyterian in 2016 and has a MS in Clinical Nutrition and BA in Biology from New York University. She has worked at NYP Weill Cornell in NYC as an oncology dietitian since 2017. Stephanie combines her passions for food and science by providing individualized nutrition counseling for patients during their medical, radiation and/or surgical cancer treatment to help them get their best nutrition and maximize their quality of life. When not working, Stephanie enjoys hiking in the Hudson Valley, cooking, and spending time with her rescue dog.

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