Springtime is Chive Time
The green herbs of spring are here: chives! As part of the allium family, chives are closely related to garlic, scallions and shallots [i]. These green thin stalks are hollow inside and have an onion-y taste and aroma. They can be used either fresh or dried and are wonderful in salads, vegetable side dishes or as […]
Zesty Ginger
A versatile culinary root Originally from Southeast Asia, ginger journeyed far and wide, reaching China, India, and eventually Rome before making its way to America. This yellowish, pungent and spicy rhizome comes in a variety of forms, including: Fresh or dried Extract Oil Pickled Crystallized Candied Capsular form as a supplement [i] Common foods and drinks […]
Coping with Depression and Cancer
Anxiety and Depression Affecting anywhere from 15-25% of cancer patients, including caregivers, depression can be a challenge for many. This equates to up to 4 times higher than the general population. While emotional stress is common, depression is something different. Depression for cancer patients can be caused by the disease itself, including imbalances in brain […]
Brussel Sprouts
The modern day version of this cruciferous vegetable was developed in Brussels, Belgium, of which it’s name was derived [i]. A winter stock vegetable, it’s best known for its bitter taste and resemblance to cabbage, both in look and flavor. However, when prepared correctly, the brussel sprout can supply a wonderful nutty, savory flavor. Sprouts […]
Holly’s Healthy Hints: Reducing Risk for Cancer
We know that a healthy diet and lifestyle is advantageous for health. Did you know it can help to reduce the risk for cancer? According to the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), up to 34% of cancers can be prevented with a healthy diet to maintain an optimum weight, and through regular exercise. This […]
The Grapefruit: A Deeper Look
Grapefruits are the beauties of the winter season. The fruit bins, at some of our favorite produce markets, are stacked with the bright white, yellow, pink and deep red colors of grapefruits. Being of different colors and having different tastes ranging from acidic to sweet, grapefruits have a variety of health benefits (and risks!). […]
Holly’s Healthy Hints: Simplifying Home Cooking
Tips to Simplify Don’t be overwhelmed by a home-cooked meals. We know that cooking at home is often much better for you than ordering out, but it can be difficult to overcome barriers to get that meal on the table. 50 years ago, people spent 40 hours a week in the kitchen – boy have […]
December is Chestnuts
Although the festive chestnut is most commonly associated with the Christmas season, did you know that the preferred occasion for most Americans to use chestnuts in their cuisine is during Thanksgiving, in the stuffing and mixed with brussels sprouts? Stay tuned for a recipe. But first, let’s discover the Chestnut. The Nut Once […]
Food Fights Back Against Mesothelioma
ABOUT MESOTHELIOMA Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos particles. There are over 2,000 Americans diagnosed with the disease each year currently – and there is no cure. Symptoms of the disease typically do not manifest until 20 to 40 years after the asbestos exposure occurs. The long latency period […]
November is Jicama
Jicama is the most interesting seasonal vegetable at the market right now. Have you tried? The produce aisle can be an adventure. Exotic veggies, like Jicama, surpass their more traditional counterparts in wonderment and curiosity. What is this odd-shapen root, and how do I eat this thing? These are all questions that pass through the […]