Understand Cardio Machines
On rainy days, many of us head indoors for a workout. The treadmill, the elliptical and the stair stepper are three popular machines to help you get some cardio on days when you don’t want to be outside. Even the most basic gyms will have a mix of cardio machines available. Remember, starting with just 10 […]
Bicycling and Cycling
Buckle those helmets and hop on a bicycle. Bicycling is a great way to get in some cardiovascular exercise, and it can help tone the legs and backside. Take it at your own pace, whether you like to ride leisurely and look at the scenery or speed things up and tackle the hills. Proper form […]
Walking for Exercise
Staying physically active (and eating a healthful diet) can help promote optimal health. For cancer patients, moderate amounts of physical activity seem to help reduce the fatigue from chemotherapy and radiation, perhaps by boosting mood. [bctt tweet=”Believe it or not, exercise gives chemo patients more energy” via=”no”] Walking is one of the most popular physical […]