Survivorship Table: April 2021
Happy April! This month we recognize testicular cancer, esophageal cancer and oral, head and neck cancers. Learn more about how to be an advocate, make healthy choices and support survivorship. Testicular Cancer Awareness Month Testicular Cancer Awareness Month aims to increase awareness of the signs and symptoms of testicular cancer as well as how to […]
Science Nook: Dietary Carbohydrates and Risk of Lung Cancer
by Jenna Koroly, MS, RD, CSOWM, CDN Lung cancer is associated with smoking, genetic factors, and exposure to carcinogens [Wood et al., 2018 as cited in reference i]. In addition, intake of fruits and vegetables may be protective against lung cancer, while intake of alcohol and red meat may be risk factors [Kushi et al., […]
Recipes for Managing Side Effects: High-Fiber Spinach Salad
Recipes for Managing Side Effects Series: Constipation This tasty spinach salad is filled with fruits, veggies, legumes, and seeds that contain important phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals, and tons of fiber. The recipe includes a homemade balsamic vinaigrette dressing, but feel free to use a different dressing of your choice! Individual ingredients can also be swapped […]
Tech Corner: Precision Nutrition — The Future of Nutrition Science?
Every human being is unique. Our genetic makeup, our race, our gender, our medical history, our microbiome, our metabolism, our lifestyle choices. Given we are all so fundamentally different, how will we ever find a one-size-fits-all diet for optimal health? Spoiler alert, we can’t and we won’t. That is where precision nutrition comes in. Precision nutrition is a component […]
Survivorship Table: March 2021
Happy March, which also means happy spring! As the warm weather approaches, we recognize Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and National Nutrition Month. What better way to celebrate the beginning of spring than with two important awareness events! Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month aims to help educate those suffering from colorectal cancer and […]
Science Nook: Fruit, Vegetable, and Legume Intake and All-Cause, Cardiovascular, and Cancer Mortality Risk
by Jenna Koroly, MS, RD, CSOWM, CDN A nutritious eating pattern including intake of fruits, vegetables, and legumes is recommended to prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, and premature death [Yusuf et al., 2020, Ricci et al., 2020., and Aune et al., 2017 as cited in reference i]. Guidelines suggest at least 5 servings daily of […]
Tech Corner: The Registered Dietitian and AI — A Perfect Team
I was visiting with a few of my nutrition friends the other day and the subject of technology in the field came up. Since I work for an AI-based company, I used this as an opportunity to ask questions and understand the concerns of fellow dietitians, most of whom have only worked in a hospital or […]
Recipes for Managing Side Effects: Ginger Soup
Recipes for Managing Side Effects Series: Nausea Each month, we are highlighting some of our favorite recipes for reducing side effects related to cancer treatment. Historically, ginger has been used to reduce gastrointestinal issues from vomiting to diarrhea. Lucky for us, there are many ways to enjoy ginger, from simple teas to complex dishes. Your tastes may vary, but […]
Survivorship Table: February 2021
Happy February! 2021 is in full swing and what better time than the present to help raise awareness and continue to incorporate healthy habits into your life? This month we raise awareness for National Cancer Prevention Month (including World Cancer Day on February 4th), American Heart Month, and Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Awareness Month. […]
Science Nook: COVID-19 and Vitamin D Deficiency
by Jenna Koroly, MS, RD, CSOWM, CDN Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin found in only a handful of foods and primarily synthesized in the body from sun exposure. Vitamin D aids in calcium absorption, bone growth, and bone remodeling [i]. It also reduces inflammation and plays a role in glucose metabolism, cell growth, […]