Boost Your Healthy Bacteria
When we hear the word bacteria, “healthy” is not what usually comes to mind. After all, we have dozens of products devoted to sanitizing and killing harmful bacteria that could potentially infect us. However, there are also strains of beneficial bacteria, called probiotics, that can be good for you gut and overall health! Bacteria […]
Bladder Cancer Awareness
Meals to Heal wants to support the increased recognition and awareness of bladder cancer in the month of May. This year it is estimated that there will be a total of 74,690 new cases of bladder cancer diagnosed overall. Currently more than 500,000 people in the United States are bladder cancer survivors.
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Sadly, many of us have been touched by childhood cancer in some way or another. Unfortunately, I lost one of my close friends to a brain tumor when we were around the age of 12. His battle with brain cancer was something I cannot put into words. Seeing the […]
National Cancer Screening Day for Breast, Colorectal, and Cervical Cancer is August 16
August 16th is the Wellpoint Foundation and American Cancer Society (ACS) National Cancer Screening Day. Wellpoint’s generous grant to ACS has allowed local community organizations and health centers in 14 states advance ACS’s efforts to increase awareness and education for breast, cervical and colorectal cancers. The goal is to offer free cancer screenings to underserved […]
Sarcoma Awareness
July has been proposed as Sarcoma Awareness Month. To support this cause, we wanted to tell you a little more about this cancer.
10 Things to Remember for UV Safety Month
If I were to ask you what our largest organ is how many of you would guess the skin? Indeed the skin is the body’s largest organ protecting us against heat, sunlight, injury and infection which means that it too needs protection! As soon as we step outside our skin becomes susceptible to the sun’s rays. While it […]
Burgers and Breast Cancer?
A recent 2014 study published by the British Medical Journal revealed that higher intakes of red meat in early adulthood increases the risk for breast cancer in women. 2830 cases were followed over a period of 20 years [i]. Overall researchers found that red meat was associated with a higher risk for breast cancer while […]